Common questions and answers to them:

How to order?

In order to place an order, it is enough to call us, write a message on a messenger convenient for you, or write a letter to an e-mail.

All our coordinates are available at the bottom of each page.

What is the minimum order?

The minimum order quantity is 10 hangers of one model and one color.

What colors can I order hangers?

As they say, color and taste are personal. The most common colors of flock hangers are black, white, burgundy, beige. In general, a large number of colors, both primary and mixed, are available. Please note - the photo may not convey the color saturation to a certain extent.

Hangers available?

No! This is not possible, neither theoretically, nor practically. We produce about 12 different models of shoulders and trempels, if the number of models is multiplied by at least the main colors of the flock - we get a very large volume of the remaining goods in the warehouse.

It will take 3-5 working days to produce a batch of hangers of one model and color in the amount of 100 pieces - it is worth waiting for such hangers!


We will make the delivery by a carrier convenient for you. If you are from Kyiv, we will deliver it personally or send it by courier.